Hey! I'm Alex Goodman

I'm a Front End Web Developer making creative, memorable websites in Parkton, MD.


Array Game Project

The Array Game

A game designed to help kids supplement what they are learning about multiplication with a fun game where they roll a pair of dice and fill in the squares on the array based on the numbers.

Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tools: Git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code

live page live page
Sticky Note Project

Sticky Notes

Greenfield project creating a Sticky Notes web app. Uses multiple components to build the classic sticky note UI with the ability to add, edit, delete and search for notes.

Skills: React, JSX, Components

Tools: CodeSandbox, Props, State

live page live page
Guess the Word Project

Guess the Word Game

Players guess the word by entering one letter at a time. If they guess all the letters before using up their allotted guesses, they win!

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: GitHub Pages, JSON

live page live page
Unplugged Project


A multi-page responsive website coded with flexbox. This design has several sections, including Cards design pattern, that can be repurposed for different sites.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Flexbox

Tools: Chrome DevTools, GitHub Pages

live page live page
GitHub Repo Project

GitHub Repo Gallery

Uses GitHub's API to pull data from my GitHub portfolio to create a repo gallery. Visitors to the site can click on the repos to see details and a link to the repo.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: REST API, GitHub Pages

live page live page
Random Image Generator

Random Image Generator

Press the button to reveil a random image and the photographer's name. A simple example for using JavaScript to pull images from an API.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: REST API, GitHub Pages

live page live page


Developer Skills




Responsive Web Development


Git and GitHub

Tech Stack

Chrome DevTools

GitHub Pages


Visual Studio Code

Headshot image

Hello, I'm Alex Goodman.

I'm a Front End Web Developer with a passion for creating clean, fun, responsive websites.

With my traditional background in theatre and art, I love being able to approach this work with a creative eye.
Building websites and finding ways I can weave in a story, add something unique, or surprise a user are all part of what I bring to the table.
While my theatrical career is on hold as I dive deeper into the tech world, I still dabble in voice acting. When I am not making websites, I can be found trying to take over the worl-
uh, I mean...recording audiobooks for independent authors.

Can't wait to bring some creative fun to your projects!